The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47138   Message #701639
Posted By: Pseudolus
30-Apr-02 - 09:12 PM
Thread Name: Let's talk positive....
Subject: Let's talk positive....
Lots of negative stuff here lately, so lets talk about why we're here.....who wants to start??? Uh, well, ok, me!!

I've been coming around here for a while now and LOTS of good stuff has, got the lyrics of a song I couldn't find in the DT....I was pointed to the DT when I asked for a song that WAS in there!....I met some awesome friends who someday I SWEAR I will meet in person!!....I got a great gift from across the pond over the holidays including a shirt that I finally lost enough weight to wear (and I wear it proudly!). I've consoled, I've been consoled, I've laughed (or is that lol'd?) and I've made some laugh. I've prayed and worried for Spaw when he was in the hospital a while back and about cried when I knew everything was gonna be OK, AND I NEVER EVEN MET THE MAN!!! There are others who I think about often who I know struggle with ailments but always seem to find something good to add here. I remember all of that stuff even though a lot of it is from way back cause I remember the good, the bad gets forgotten quickly......
