The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47157   Message #702041
Posted By: catspaw49
01-May-02 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Great TROLL/FLAME Thread
Subject: The Great TROLL/FLAME Thread
To expedite the trolling and flaming here on the Mudcat Forum, we ask that you fill out the following before posting. This will help us know that you are active and wish to be noticed so we can proceed to stumble all over ourselves trying to explain things that aren't worth discussing to begin with.


Today I will be posting as:
___Guest, with name
___Guest, without name
___Member who has logged out, now an unnamed Guest

My mood today is:
___Just playful
___Seriously pissed off
___Just my normal asshole self

I will be posting to:
___Existing threads
___New thread(s) which I will start
___Forgotten threads which I will drag up
___All of the above

I will be attacking:
___A single person
___A group of people
___Randomly to see who bites
___All of the above

After posting I will:
___Leave the thread alone and sit back and watch the action
___Continue posting countering all arguments with half-assed logic
___Attack the person who seems the most excitable
___All of the above depending on the thread

I will be Trolling/Flaming in the following category:
___Northern Ireland
___Middle East
___Gun Control
___General Bigotry and/or Racism
___Mudcat Clique/Inner Circle
___Religion, please list denomination or sect here____________
___Mudcat shortcomings
___DT shortcomings
___Treatment of Guests
___American bashing
___Any other jingoistic bashing, please specify _____________
___Mudcat is falling apart/Max is an asshole
___Individual member attack, please list member(s)________________
___Just freelancing, potential subject__________________
___All of the above

Thank you for your time in filling out this questionaire. We hope you have an unsatisfying experience and drop dead soon.

Spaw---Prolific American Charter Member of the Mudcat Clique and Prostetnic Director of the Gang of 12