The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47123   Message #702097
Posted By: GUEST
01-May-02 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: I'm Sick of the Bigotry
Subject: RE: I'm Sick of the Bigotry
You know what LH? I don't tolerate bigotry in my presence among friends or family. I confront it, on the spot. And my family and friends know I will do it, so they have--amazingly--learned to not make bigoted statements in my presence.

I don't write off bigotry, racism, and sexism in those I care about to "having a bad day", just so I don't have to do the painful work of confronting them. Ever.

As to how do you distinguish between guests LH, the answer is if you can't distinguish between us based upon the content, then you can't distinguish between us. Some of us aren't concerned about it, and find the irony and humor in some people's obsession about it!

Big Mick, I have no idea who Doc is, but I know that won't stop you and many others from projecting your fears, your paranoia, and your mistrust on every post with a blank From: line.

You are free to believe anything you want about my identity, or the identity of any anon poster. It doesn't make your assumptions about us right.

As to why I post here, its pretty simple. For the same reasons everyone else does. As to why I wouldn't leave because of the offensiveness of the forum--I choose to stay and fight to make it a better place. Is that so hard to understand for a person who has been coming here for years, but has never become a member?