The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47162   Message #702206
Posted By: Charley Noble
01-May-02 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Tildy Tuck-Minstal Song
Subject: Lyr Add: TILDY TUCK
I'm trying to learn more about what I think is an old minstral song that my mother's nursemaid used to sing. Any clues?

(As sung by Ella Madison of Greenwich Village, NY, in the 1920's)

Oh, Tildy Tuck, she got stuck
On a sportin' Coon named Jim.
An' every night at eight,
She would congregate,
On de co'ner by the street,
An' dat red-eyed Jap
Was a shootin' craps
An' never got cold feet.

An' to all de blokes(?) who tried to mash her she replied:
"Fade away! I's a-waitin for my man;
He's the onliest man I'll have, you understan',
Fade away! I's a-waitin' for my man!"