The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47123   Message #702214
Posted By: PeteBoom
01-May-02 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: I'm Sick of the Bigotry
Subject: RE: I'm Sick of the Bigotry
I said:

"Rather reminds me of a fellow who used to go to a "celtic" site and got angry when he did not get the answer he wanted to his question... "How do you become a celtic?" Come to think of it, he called that forum racist and bigoted too..."

Which generated the response:

"Subject: RE: I'm Sick of the Bigotry From: GUEST Date: 01-May-02 - 11:44 AM

Nice bigoted trolling there Pete! Equating "Celticness" with bigotry. A shining example of what I've been talking about all along in this thread. "

Which begs the question, dear Guest that posted the above message, What did I say was bigoted? The forum was a general forum on Celtic society, etc. A person came in asking how to become a "celtic". We explained that it wasn't a matter of "becoming" one, but rather a matter of historical record of BEING one or being descended from one. He did not like that and called us racist. At no time did I in my post state, overtly or by implication, that "celticness" in and of itself, was equatable to bigotry. You did that all by your lonesome.

Now, answer the question I asked in my original post - What forums have removed Mudcat from their links because of the bigotry here? Or were YOU trolling? Hmmmmm?

I've had enough of this silliness.

Joe - I hope things improve for you, and for the rest.
