The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47034   Message #702299
Posted By: GUEST,Nerd
01-May-02 - 03:35 PM
Thread Name: Copper Family Article
Subject: RE: Copper Family Article
Jon, thanks :-)

GUEST was referring to the first sentence of the "teaser" for the article, which almost certainly was not written by the author of the piece. It runs:

"On a boozy night in 1898, Tom and James Copper met for a sing-song - and English folk music was born."

I'm a journalist myself so I know how embarrassing it can be to have an editor tack something like that onto my writing! The good ones don't do it....

But, GUEST, I don't think the bombast is the fault of Ian Anderson, Folk Roots, the Copper Family, or anyone but the paper. It was an editor looking for a quick teaser on a daily paper and coming up with something daft. Like they say, sh*t happens!

And if the mainstream press is reading Folk Roots and consequently writing about the Copper can this be a bad thing? You must admit they're worthy of the coverage. And the alternative is surely worse: no coverage at all.