The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46065   Message #702717
Posted By: CarolC
02-May-02 - 05:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who Are the Terrorists? Part II
Subject: RE: BS: Who Are the Terrorists? Part II
And you think that THATis an accusation of Anti-Semitism? Sheeesh!!

Two or three other people seemed to think so too.

You need to check the "Baraks Generous Offer" clicky. It simply goes to a map with no document.

It goes to a map with some text. And what's contained in the text is consistent with what I've seen presented elsewhere. If I can find the other stuff I saw on it, I'll post it.

The Camp David link seems to leave the "generous offer" idea up in the air. It would seem that there is plenty of blame to go around since no one trusted the other enough to look at things at face value. The finale seems to be that Barak didn't make an offer and Arafat turned it down and vice versa, and that Clinton didn't acquit himself too well either.

And that was my point. No one person or nation was responsible for the failure of the Camp David accords. Not even Arafat. It was what an ex-marine aquaintance of mine would call a "cluster-f*ck".

You ask,"Israel agreed to the Oslo agreement, and it was Israel who reneged on it. Why won't Israel live up to it's agreements?" I don't know. Do you?

The Gush-Shalom site has some perspectives on this.

Here's one of them

And here's the Gush-Shalom site.