The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47123   Message #702929
Posted By: GUEST,An Pluiméir Ceolmhar
02-May-02 - 12:05 PM
Thread Name: I'm Sick of the Bigotry
Subject: RE: I'm Sick of the Bigotry
Could I copy in here a message, which I posted in the Drumcree megathread to explain it to a "bewildered" fellow-guest, and which is relevant here?

That thread, which seemed as if it could turn nasty, instead turned into a riot of creativity and wit, and I would recommend it as essential Mudcat reading. What saved it was the fact that one or two people were big enough to apologise when they realised they had gone too far in either giving or taking offence - that and the Irish ability to turn just about anything into a joke.

The fact that an uneasy peace has broken out in Northern Ireland makes room for that sense of humour, and the Middle East is unfortunately some way away from being joked about (except by very sick people). The poisonous people who use that situation as a pretext for their anti-Jewish or anti-Arab variants of antisemitism are best ignored.

And could I also renew a suggestion which I made somewhere else that, if it's technically possible, a separate area in the forum should be established for BS postings? That would reduce the risk of the music getting buried, without ruling out non-musical discussions among Catters and their guest friends?


"Poor bewildered, my heart goes out to you.

It's a Northern Ireland running joke which has taken on a life of its own. In fact it could arguably stake a claim to becoming a permathread, because it started off way off topic with someone who needed to get a load off his chest about current political issues by sharing it with fellow-mudcatters, but then mysteriously drifted bang onto topic by giving rise to a good dozen parodies, many of which are in the pure folk tradition of updating old songs to new circumstances.

It's drifted back off for a while, but even when OT it contains numerous musicians' in jokes, many of which would be accessible to folkies who are not Irish - e.g. the obsession with the Corrs which permeates the Chiff & Fipple forums, or the inevitable bodhran abuse theme.

I'm a newbie myself and still learning netiquette, so I'm still signing on as a guest, but Mudcat has been a revelation. At an early stage, when I was still aglow with gratitude for all the help which I'd got from Catters in finding words to a song, I posted a critical comment about someone lowering the tone of the site with some rather sharp political comments. But of course, I was the one who was wrong, because folk song (not least of the US variety) would be a mere shadow of itself if you took out the political content and commentary on current affairs.

On a quiet day at work I went right back to the start of the Drumcree threads and read on from there, which is the only way to make sense of this magnificently surreal phenomenon. The original posting takes ages to download, and someone kindly put it up on a website at

(sorry about the unblue unclickiness) where it's much easier to print and read, if you're interested in Drumcree itself. If you want to know more about the Northern Ireland situation as a whole, another contributor to the thread posted the URL of a trustworthy online archive run by a university at

- otherwise just skim through Brendy's magnum opus at the Drumcree site to get a flavour of the background then move on to where the fun begins at

Beware, especially if you suffer from the German/American disease (spot the troll ;-) of literal-mindedness: not everything on this thread is to be taken at face value, and most if not all of the abuse is firmly tongue in cheek. Also, you will probably realise after a while that not all the postings in the name of famous musicians have necessarily been put up by the musicians in question. Likewise, Sean Pol O'Tuathail is Pope John Paul II, and he probably didn't really write the last posting.

But if you can spare the time, it will expand your consciousness in ways you could never have imagined."