The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47152   Message #703008
Posted By: Troll
02-May-02 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: UniversalMilitary Conscription in the US
Subject: RE: BS: UniversalMilitary Conscription in the US
"Troll - I cannot think of any "ideal" worth fighting and dying for. Such constructs should take a back seat to life itself. And I fail to see what is "self-righteous" about not wanting young people to die."
So,Michael, the "ideal" of freedom for yourself and your loved ones is not worth fighting dying for? How about the "ideal" of protecting your wife and children?
As for "self-righteous", what else would you call someone who has stated publicly that he (or she) ran rather than serve and now calls those who are willing to fight to preserve whatever they hold to be of value "warmongers". In fact, I think that maybe "self-righteous" is being a little kind.
You probably owe your life to those "warmongers" Churchill, DeGaulle, Eisenhower, Roosevelt and thousands of men like my father, who fought the Nazi and Japanese empire-building agression. And if you are an ex-Israeli, you certainly owe your life to them.
Well don't worry. You can keep your attitude and revel in your purity. If it ever comes down to it again, there are plenty of us who are willing to fight for our freedoms and you will get a free ride.
Oh. And we won't even ask you to appreciate it.


BTW I served 4 years during Viet Nam as did my younger brother. I'm over 60 and he's getting close but if our country ever needs us we will answewr the call and serve in whatever capacity we can.
Because we believe that there are some things that are worth fighting for.
