Viet Nam was a mistake. No argument there. It was based on a premise that proved untrue. It is not the first time that such an error has been made by a nation and will probably not be the last.
But if you partake of the benefits of a society, you should also be willing to defend that society. Since we elect our representatives and, in theory at least, they reflect the will of those whom they represent, it is hardly justified to call them the "rulers of the day". The "so-called ideal"(s) which you seem to view with such contempt are those laid down by the Constitution and involve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness among other things.
Since it would appear that you look upon this countries policies with some disfavor, perhaps you would be so kind as to tell us all a little more about yourself, paying close attention to those areas in which you have avoided the benefits of our much maligned system. You know the ones, a high standard of living, decent -if expensive- health care, upward mobility, the freedom to move around from place to place, to own property, to choose your job, that sort of thing.
And explain why some people risk everything in an attempt to come here.
Or are you one of those hardy souls who only obeys the laws that HE feels are worthy of his obedience and hang the rest. If so, it's no wonder you "decided to walk away".
A cornered rat will fight to preserve its' life and certainly it's better to be a live Jackal than a dead Lion.
But it's even better to be a live Lion. And it's usually easier.troll
BTW, I think the word you wanted to use was "prescribed". "Proscribed" means "forbidden".