The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46065   Message #703414
Posted By: CarolC
03-May-02 - 12:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who Are the Terrorists? Part II
Subject: RE: BS: Who Are the Terrorists? Part II
Wolfgang, if you are using one bible passage that they used, not even as evidence of anything, as an indication of whether or not their numbers are correct, I think it is you who is showning bias. Did you not even check to see where they got their numbers from?

And it would be nice if you used the same sort of critical eye when you read the propaganda coming out of the pro-Sharon camp. Their inconsistencies are just as glaring. More so, in my opinion.

You live in a country that has culpability for what happened to the Jews in WWII. How you choose to live with that culpability is up to you. However, I live in a country that has culpability for whatever happens to the Palestinians. I choose to make sure that I don't help my country in its gravest errors. If history shows that the things the people in any of the links I've provided is true, you will have to live with the fact that you didn't do anything at all to try to prevent or stop it. And you might even have to live with the possibility that you helped them do it with your silence and unwillingness to believe it could happen. Isn't that what the people in your country did when terrible things were happening to the Jews?

Cast your mind back just a little. How did the Nazis manage to get people to be willing to let those atrocities happen? The way they did it was to dehumanize and demonize the Jews. Take a look at the language people are using about the Palestinians. These kinds of things could just as easily have been said about Jews in Nazi Germany. Denying someone's humanity is the thing that makes it possible to kill and commit other terrible things without feeling guilt. And scapegoating and making the victims responsible for the crimes being committed against them is also a method used by the Nazis. I would suggest, as you read and listen and watch, that you be on the lookout for any words or practices that would serve the purpose of dehumanizing and demonizing the Palestinians. That should give you a better idea of what's going on.

This is the quote from that site that I prefer to focus on...

Let us not be the ones to say, "We saw and we did nothing"

Would that more people in your country had done the same during WWII.