The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47176   Message #703697
Posted By: katlaughing
03-May-02 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: MUDCAT CD FOUR' Petal to the Metal!
Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD FOUR' Petal to the Metal!
IMO, it needs to be on the outside so that people see it right away and know what the heck they are looking at... fwiw, I like "Mudcat Sampler"...sorry, Deda, "Prime Cuts" sounds too much like meat to this veggie:-)

Brainstorming, here are a few others...

Mudcat Bounty

Catch of the Day from the Mudcat Cafe....

Mudcat Cafe-What is folk (& blues)...or,

Whatis folk & blues from the Mudcat Cafe