The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47128   Message #703891
Posted By: CarolC
03-May-02 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: PEACE in the Middle East (2)
Subject: RE: BS: PEACE in the Middle East (2)
troll. I think they're busy trying to not get shot. And busy trying to find someplace to sleep. And busy trying to find their missing family members. And trying to find out if their family members are dead or alive. If you can't understand that, then there really is something wrong with you.

I know that during times of great stress in my own life, when my circumstances were almost more than I could bear, but nowhere near the hellish situation in which they live, I certainly couldn't have gotten the presence of mind together to form organizations.

Those kind, loving, and wise Jewish people who are doing all of the enlightened things that Deda mentioned in her post UNDERSTAND that right now, the Palestinians' need is the greatest. If they can cut those poor abused people a break, and they live there where they are far more at risk than you are, it doesn't seem like too big of a thing for you to show them some compassion too.

AND - those kind, loving, and wise Jewish people who are working so hard on behalf of the Palestinians, are trying to help reduce the amount of hate that people like you are directing at them. When you spread hateful things about Palestinians, even in places like here in the forum, you make the job of those who are trying to help a LOT harder.

So if you can't dipense with the hateful talk, how about just not saying anything at all. I think that/I> would go a long way toward promoting peace in the middle east.