The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47128   Message #704104
Posted By: Troll
04-May-02 - 02:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: PEACE in the Middle East (2)
Subject: RE: BS: PEACE in the Middle East (2)
It did not ocurr to you that what I meant was that the Palestinians do not feel these things because they feel that they are justified in the course of action they have chosen.
No, it's much easier to call me a racist and be finished with me.
Maybe it's not part of their makeup because of the things they have suffered or feel that they have suffered.
No. it's much easier to call me a racist and be finished with me.
It's always easier to demonize those who don't agree with you isn't it Carol. And, of course, the BEST demonizing buzz-word in the American lexicon is "racist".
Did it surprise you when I didn't either apologize and grovel or spend the entire post defending myself against your rather silly allegation? Did you read nothing but that one sentence?
Probably not. I disagree with you, I post links that don't support your position, so easy to see only what you want to see isn't it.
I never said that any of those things were true or that I thought that they were true. I merely posited them as points for discussion.
But you don't want discussion. You want everyone to agree with your position. And anyone who doesn't is a "racist". You really should read the book "The True Believer". It's old but the information is still good.
I cannot control what you or anyone else wants to read into a post. If challenged, I can try to be a little clearer about what I meant but that's all.
I've seen you make statements that you later apologized for when you realized that you had misunderstood what the postee said or meant to say and I believe that I have apologized to you on ocassion. You were very quick to accuse me of racism when it would have been just as simple to ask me via post or PM if that's really what I meant.
I have already explained what I meant. I wanted discussion on the matter, not sound bites; not carefully selected exerpts with pithy little comments appended, carefully calculated to put me down while making you look long suffering and noble but at the end of your vast patience.
See how it works?
If you want to seriously discuss things, fine. That's what I prefer; discussion on how to go about solving problems, not myriad links about who is most to blame.
If it is your preference to sink to the level of name calling, well, that's your business.
Personally, I find it counter-productive.
