The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47152   Message #704448
Posted By: Gareth
04-May-02 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: UniversalMilitary Conscription in the US
Subject: RE: BS: UniversalMilitary Conscription in the US
(Steve) Norton - I have a respect for GWB senior's courage, any man who voulunteers to fly aircraft off carriers, in the 1940's, is betting the farm on his survival.

This gave Bush Senior the moral right to order troops into combat. Senator McCain a presidential aspirant had this moral right as well.

Perhaps this comes in line with the political philosiphy of Robert Heinlien - and perhaps it does not.

For my own case, I can not say for I have not been faced with that choice, or that decision. But I hope I would never ask another person to do something I was not prepared to do myself.
