The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47152   Message #705334
Posted By: Bobert
06-May-02 - 02:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: UniversalMilitary Conscription in the US
Subject: RE: BS: UniversalMilitary Conscription in the US
Whistle Stop: In tyhe month following September 11th, the US enjoyed the sympathies of almost every nation on the planet. Today, even the UK, it's stanchest supporter is starting to balk at the Bush administrations saber rattling about invading Iraq and other foriegn policy matters, such as the Middle East.

There has to be a time when the good cop comes in and right now, in my opinion, the US not recognized that the window has been open for the last two or three months and the longer it goes toward not promoting peaceful resolutions to the many world conflicts, the harder it will be. Couple that fact with our allies starting to be less sympathetic with the US, it stands to loose a level of creditibility which does not bode well for the last World's Super Power. We have a responsibility to lead by example and the message that we are sending out is war is the preferred way to solve conflict. Yeah, seems that all we have are the bad cops.

Now ol' Bobert certainly wasn't a Clinton lover but at least the man tried to work toward a peaceful resolution in the Middle East. He didn't fare as well in other conflicts but at least there were some good cops.

This summer's Peace Conference is so mealy mouthed it's rediculous. I mean, there are little hot wars flaring up throughout the Middle East so why the wait?

Yeah, I know this tread is about conscription but if I can get just one person to see that by getting bogged down by military logistics we are doing nothing more than promote military solutions, then all will be worth it.

Like I've said before: THINK PEACE, even if you may still think that war is more profitable.
