The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19340   Message #705712
Posted By: Joe Offer
07-May-02 - 12:42 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat FAQ - Newcomer's Guide
Subject: Finding things at Mudcat
Spaw posted this in another thread, and I thought it was worth copying over to the FAQ.
-Joe Offer-
Thread #47291   Message #704520
Posted By: catspaw49
04-May-02 - 10:17 PM

Jeepster.......You can thank Jeff as you did for this one, but let me help you a bit for future reference.

If you suspect you might want to occasionally go back to a thread, you can "Trace" it by clicking the Trace option to the right and the thread will always be available on your Personal Pages.

You can do as Jeff did and enter something you think might be in the thread title into the Filter box and set the "Refresh" for some period of time you are sure is longer than when the thread appeared.

You can also think back to some Keyword or another that you feel you had in your post and enter that in the "DT and Forum Search" may get a lot of hits depending on how common the words are, but you can usually find it that way too.

Or you can do a "Forum Search" on your name.....Go to the Quick Links pull down menu and click the Forum Search option. When you get that page, enter your name in the user box and nothing in the subjest box and you can get every message you ever posted. The easier way to do this is simply to click on your name in a thread post and the same list of all your postings will come up.

Hope that helps in the future. Mudcat has many features and sometimes we don't use the many given us. Take a few minutes and try some of these if you haven't already.......It's a great site!
