The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47152   Message #706472
Posted By: Troll
07-May-02 - 11:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: UniversalMilitary Conscription in the US
Subject: RE: BS: UniversalMilitary Conscription in the US
As far as the Social-Security "Trust Fund' (a stack of Govt. IOU's) every administration taps it to an ever-increasing extent. The whole thing is a gigantic Ponzi scheme anyway and if you REALLY want to get pissed, check out how many different programs Social Security funds.
It's supposed to be a safety net for retirees but most of us will never live long enough to get back what we "contributed".
As Doug said, what would you do about terrorism, Bobert? And please don't go into a history lesson about how if we had done this and hadn't done that, we wouldn't be in this mess.
Hindsight is an exact science with 20/20 vision so lets talk about the here-and-now, not the "if only".
