The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47394   Message #706555
Posted By: GUEST
08-May-02 - 04:56 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Two Brothers
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Two Brothers
Robinia - I'm not clear from your post if it's Sharp's versions your looking for, but if so, there are several from EFSSA in the DT under the title TWO BROTHERS, includingTwo Brothers 4 which has (more or less) the words you're looking for (verse 16):
    She hopped the red fish out of the sea,
The small birds out of their nests;
She hopped her true love out of his grave,
So he can't see no rest

(However I got that looking at my offline copy of the DT. When I first did a search for "Two Brothers" it didn't come up in the Forum/DT Search results. I got the song id using "Dunagan" - the source singer's name. More vagaries of search!)

I had a quick look at EFSSA and Sharp gives 13 tunes for the song but, at a quick glance, the Dunagan version is the only one with the words you're looking for.
