The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47097   Message #707007
Posted By: Nemesis
08-May-02 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: Lee Collinson gig
Subject: RE: Lee Collinson gig
Hi Pete,

yes, it is - but it's not a pretty sight :)!

Mooman - you're a star! 'Spose I'd better get on and write Lee the "official" letter, so he just doesn't think it was a madwoman phoning him up! *g* (Bob Dylan had quite a few of those on Saturday, Chouxfleur, inside and outside: the one's inside were the Dylan widows sitting at the bar with the air of understandable bafflement)

"Roll on Lee" (as I said in the middle of one particular number when the "Rwaar, sheeh, hmmmmph, rwaar" was getting to me (by about number 3 on the running order :(

Cheers, Guys xxx