The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47392   Message #707187
Posted By: Metchosin
09-May-02 - 12:13 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Seattle Slew
Subject: RE: Obit: Seattle Slew
kat, our wee Cammy is only three years his junior but, here's hoping, she makes it as far as your daughter's beloved Martini. Thanks for the touching link to the story, there are some uncanny parallels. In my mind's eye I can still can see her and our wee Ceilidh, smokin' the competition in the "ride a buck".

This past damp winter was hard on her, especially with her arthritus and she's dropped some weight. I finally bit the bullet and have started her on glucosamine. Other than that, she's still her old curmugeonly self and her trot, despite her stiffness, still floats. And she's always the first thing, even before the rest of the family, that our daughter enquires of, when she calls home.