The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42261   Message #707300
Posted By: GUEST
09-May-02 - 07:37 AM
Thread Name: Help: Quiet Festival nights?
Subject: RE: Help: Quiet Festival nights?
Ah, I see. The festivals are for people who are committing suicide with tobacco, and who drink excessively, the rest of us spoil sports be damned?

Spoken like a true self-centered (and self-obsessed) lager lout...I'll be sure to steer clear of you during a festival, so thank you for the warning.

Separate campgrounds does solve the problem between night owls and day trippers.

However, in my experience, music is the operative word here. I certainly wouldn't want to see an end to the late night music. Problem is, there are some few eejits, who when inebriated can't distinguish between music and rowdy pummeling of anything at hand that makes extreeeeemely loud sounds. And echoes for miles. These people should be shot on principle. One of them absolutely destroyed an entire campground's festival experience because the music you were playing round your own area just couldn't compete with the drum brigade. They were never put out of the festival, despite howls of complaints from us long time attendees (these were the younger set, and the campground staff said we needed to accomodate them so we wouldn't alienate the upcoming generation). Sadly, it was the last time I attended that festival. I refuse to be held hostage by inconsiderate, drunken louts, so now only attend festivals where I can either get away from the festival completely (ie to a quiet enough hotel room) or there is accomodation for campers who want a mellow atmosphere in their campground (which doesn't mean no music, it just means quieter music).

I'm happy to see the loud music accomodated, so long as it isn't at my (or an entire campground's) expense.