The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42261   Message #707316
Posted By: Celtic Soul
09-May-02 - 08:30 AM
Thread Name: Help: Quiet Festival nights?
Subject: RE: Help: Quiet Festival nights?
When I was much younger, and starting out my time as a festival performer, I loved the late night gatherings. We used to sit up and sing doo-wop 'til all hours around a campfire in one campsite we called "The Livingroom". It was a huge draw...tons of people used to flock to that area to sing and party.

Now that I am geezing fairly hard (and battle CFIDS symptoms), the idea of staying up most of the night is highly physically costly and downright frightening. Add to this that my sleep cycle is easily disturbed, so there is no sleeping through the noise.

So anyway, I've been on both sides.

However, as an old fart now, I see the inherent selfishness that was in my younger days thinking. The idea that my fun should not be inhibited by someone elses need for quiet is just that...selfish.

When you've busted your ass for 12ish hours at a festival, you live more than an hour away from the site, and you're exhausted, you deserve to be able to get the amount of rest you need to get up and do it all again the following day.

However, I think it is most definitely Managements responsibility to patrol the grounds and strictly enforce their *own* quiet time rules so that those who choose to camp based on Managements listed quiet times can get the rest they need. Management cannot be reasonably upset with a contracted employee who is too tired to perform if it happened *on* Festival grounds, and was due to someone elses actions and Festival managements inefficient enforcing of their own rules.

But back to the main issue...think of it this way: If someone in your neighbourhood decided to party until all hours and keep you up prior to a regular workday, might you be a tad upset?