The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42261   Message #707353
Posted By: Mr Red
09-May-02 - 09:50 AM
Thread Name: Help: Quiet Festival nights?
Subject: RE: Help: Quiet Festival nights?
Bridgenorth have a quiet area, and it is reltively quiet, certainly after midnight. There is the moderately and the deafen nightly not, areas, choice eh?

NOW Warwick is a fantastic festival but the marquee is too loud for me, and too loud for health and safety, and too loud for the campsite, and doesn't finish before midnight. If you want quiet there you will have to travel a long way. There is a concert on the Thursday night in the Castle, Rod Stewart - long having abandoned any semblance of Folk or acoustic tendencies is paying compensation to the town for the anticipated noise.
don't get there early!
But Then there is some pop idle (sic)( who's name happily escapes me) on Fri and UB40 on Sunday (no concessions!!).
So that's the marquee twice as loud to drown-out the Castle.

Warwick may be a good festival but LOUD ain't.

complaints fall on deaf ears.

The sessions ain't that hot these days - if the dance bands don't cut it then Mr Red may well vote with his red caravan...........