The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47459 Message #707784
Posted By: GUEST,lark
09-May-02 - 08:48 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: First Violin/Fiddle songs
Subject: First Violin/Fiddle songs
About 5 months ago, I went out and bought a violin, set up to be a fiddle, so they tell me. I take lessons from my friend's mother, who teaches many younger students. I am 18, and she is making me play at her yearly recital. I am still very, very new at it, and sound pretty awful most of the time. And I haven't been able to find songs that I like that I am capable of. Any recommendations? I would love some ballad type songs, or anything that is fairly simple, but sounds a wee bit more complicated than it is. Any help would be most appreciated! Thank you! ~Lark~