The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42261   Message #708018
Posted By: GUEST
10-May-02 - 07:06 AM
Thread Name: Help: Quiet Festival nights?
Subject: RE: Help: Quiet Festival nights?
Its important to remember that none of us is advocating no late night music and entertainment. Just respect for fellow festival goers, and well managed festivals.

That really is the essence of it for me. I think all of us, when we were youngsters, wanted to be where it was cool to be. We wanted to be part of the scene, and that was a much stronger incentive than actual playing and listening. Same holds true for todays young people, but not for many of us elders.

I would argue that we aren't fizzling out, but speaking only for myself, I am mellowing with age. The drinking and partying of festival youth is something I'm happy to leave behind when I travel to a lovely quiet spot to share more intimate music and company with folks who, while we may be drinking, aren't carrying on. It isn't just about having kids (I agree most kids will sleep through anything if they are tired enough). It is about wanting a different kind of festival experience.

Good festivals realize this, and cater to both the younger and older crowds. And they also know who is going to spend more money/volunteer time supporting the festival. Hint: it isn't the all night drunks in the festival campground!

I've been to both big British and Canadian festivals. I prefer the Canadian ones, because they put a lot less emphasis on drinking and carousing, and much more emphasis on a quality festival experience. That is probably down to cultural differences. Many British folkies, like their general population, are loath to consider changing/improving their boozing habits, much less giving them up. That doesn't match my experience in Canada and the US, where many folkies have tempered theirs.