The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47097   Message #708695
Posted By: GUEST,chouxfleur
11-May-02 - 03:28 AM
Thread Name: Lee Collinson gig
Subject: RE: Lee Collinson gig
Thats easy, its because we're creatures of habit. Not only do we want to go to see/hear the artists we know and love, we want them to perform our favourite songs and tunes. Its the same at restaurants. I'd bet that most people going to a chinese or indian restaurant will choose their favourite dish time and again, not wanting to risk trying something different. And so (IMHO) its the same with music. Once people have discovered just how good someone like Lee Collinson (or me for that matter....ha!) are you could charge a tenner and fill the venue.

Anyway Hille, dont get so despondent, cos I reckon with the success we had with Lee last year, some of that will carry over and bring more along to see him at The Dick .
