The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47394   Message #708748
Posted By: robinia
11-May-02 - 07:10 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Two Brothers
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Two Brothers
Thanks muchly for those "pretty Suzanne" mourning verses, Malcolm! They're almost exactly what Rosalie sings, though she changes the last to "you can weep and mourn all the balance of your days [your life?] but you'll never more see me." (An improvement, I think.) Other, earlier verses I recognize from other sources: the invitation to play or throw a ball, rejected because "I am too young, I am too small, brother leave me alone," the wee penknife.... ripping the holland shirt from gore to gore.... But how I wish I could simply transcribe Rosalie's tune, stuck in my head for over twenty years. It does seem especially wedded to that poignant final verse (and no, it's not Bronson's).... Are midis hard to do?