The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47459   Message #708996
Posted By: Marion
11-May-02 - 03:02 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: First Violin/Fiddle songs
Subject: RE: Tune Req: First Violin/Fiddle songs
Hi Lark. My first fiddle tune was a jig in A called "Auntie Mary," or "Cock of the North," or "Chase Me Charlie." It's played by both Celtish and more old-time fiddlers.

Besides being the easiest real dance tune that I know, I think it would be good for you since you want "anything that is fairly simple, but sounds a wee bit more complicated than it is." This tune can be played totally in double stops (two notes at once) without ever having to change the bowing or fret two strings at once. The melody is all on the top two strings, and whichever string the melody is on, the other can be used open as a drone. I play it through once with just the melody, then play it on both strings - it's actually easier since you don't have to change your bow angle, and it impresses the hell out of my friends.


Oh, and Al... the difference is in thousands of dollars, not tens of dollars! Cheers, Marion