Worms, indeed.It seems obvious that some American lawyers have jumped onto the case(s), motivated by what is not clear. (Right.)
It is Mexico that should be going after and bringing to justice the 'guides' who are taking money from desperate and determined people. If Mexico does not see fit to prosecute the guides, then I think the U.S. should file federal complaints against Mexico in the name of the fallen ones.
There is no way that this country can provide water every 10 miles or so- those distances are vast. And very, very dry.
That said, I'm glad the U.S. makes an effort not only to keep water available where possible but marks the spots. If I ever find myself stranded on the desert I would want to know where I might possibly find water. On the other hand, if I'm stranded and on foot, I'm probably not going to be able to walk 30 miles without water even if I knew in what direction to go.