The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47459 Message #709638
Posted By: Doug Chadwick
12-May-02 - 04:22 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: First Violin/Fiddle songs
Subject: RE: Tune Req: First Violin/Fiddle songs
Thanks for the links Sorcha. Lots of interesting info there.
I've just come back from an enjoyable afternoon at the Wootton Fiddle Club. Wootton is a small North Lincolnshire village – stereotype English with a pub, pond, village hall, church and a few houses – but it manages to draw in a wealth of talent once a month both for the Fiddle Club and for the open sessions in the Nags Head.
I've been learning fiddle for just under 18 months and two fairly simple tunes that we did today were KATE DALRYMPLE and MY LOVE.
By the way (note the use of English instead of BTW), the Wootton Fiddle Club is presenting the Brigg Fiddle Fest 2002 on Friday17th to Saturday 18th May. Lots of top class acts and plenty of workshops