The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47540   Message #709703
Posted By: Celtic Soul
12-May-02 - 06:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Illegal Aliens: What do we owe them
Subject: RE: BS: Illegal Aliens: What do we owe them
Here are my thoughts.

I have a friend...she's an Aussie. She has lived in this country for many years, has brought her hard earned money and spent it here (purchasing homes, vehicles, etc.), she has been petitioning for citizenship for years and has been put through the paperwork ringer for all that time to no avail. After many years of living here, she met a wonderful man to whom she is now married. I am very glad for her, as she is a wonderful person and deserves the happiness. However, immigration is up their asses in order to "prove" the marriage is legitimate, and not one of convenience.

My vote is that we treat *ALL* potential immigrants the same (regardless of their financial status or what country of origin). Make them all wait the same amount of time to obtain legal citizenry. Make them all jump through the same hoops, or do away with the hoops for everyone. But changing the rules for some is discrimination against the rest.