The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10314   Message #70975
Posted By: ddw in Windsor
14-Apr-99 - 08:45 PM
Thread Name: Gettysberg
Subject: RE: Gettysberg
The movie Gettysburg was taken from Michael Shaara's historical novel The Killer Angels, which is the work that got me hooked on civil war stuff. Since I read it and the prequal and sequal written by his son, Jeff, I've read everything else I could get my hands on about the war and in particular that battle. I also spent two days last May touring the battleground -- a very moving experience -- and so far I have found nothing in either the book or the movie, apart from the kinds of filmmaking errors noted above, that would call the account into question. I think their treatment of Longstreet was excellent, since he has been so badly maligned by so many historians and he was really the on-site voice of reason while Lee was pursuing what he thought would be a quick end to the war.

Banjer and LEJ, do either of you have any suggestions of other good battlegrounds to tour? My daughter lives in Nashville, TN and says there are lots of sites around that area that I can check out when I visit. I'd especially like to get over to Vicksburg, since that was such a pivotal battle in the western war.

