The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47540   Message #709888
Posted By: Troll
12-May-02 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Illegal Aliens: What do we owe them
Subject: RE: BS: Illegal Aliens: What do we owe them
The point is that we don't have a good guest worker program so people try to slip in in order to find work. Kevin, when the Founding Fathers came here, there WAS no immigration policy and no central government so your arguments appear to me to be a bit trollish. What government there was here very often tried to control immigration by killing the immigrants, the Roanoke Colony being a case in point.
These immigrants from Mexico crossed our border illegally. You assume that their ancestors were living in what is now the US prior to - for want of a better date- 1492.
But if their ancestors were Aztec or Mayan, then they NEVER lived in the US. And anyhow, what on earth does where their ancestors lived have to do with the present situation.
Larry, re: the Jay Treaty, even if it were in place on the southern border,it's not germain. We are not impeading their free movement across the border. We just aren't facilitating it.
I cannot see why it should be incumbent upon ANY Government to facilitate the illegal crossing of it's borders for any reason whatsoever. And that's what this thread is really all about.
