The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47540   Message #710146
Posted By: Bobert
13-May-02 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Illegal Aliens: What do we owe them
Subject: RE: BS: Illegal Aliens: What do we owe them
Well, troll, not to be overly combative, but what you will find in most cases of illegal aliens is that where they may enter illegally, it doesn't take them too long to get in the system. A signed affidavit from one of their friends saying they are renting is enough to get a driver's license in most states and then a a Social Security card and then you have yet another taxpaying worker. There are not too many businesses that can afford to pay workers in cash because the cash has to come from some place and for an employer to pay $100 in cash will cost him $130 because, unless he is looking to audited by the IRS, he's better be real careful with his 1099's and be sure they are going to bonified sub-contractors. So most of these folks end up paying tax and some, because of fear or lack of knowledge, don't file returns for a few years when since they are at the bottom of the wage scale would be eligible for refunds. This money is a plus I am sure to the Treasury Department. You may ask how I happen to know these things. Well, my business clientel is 80% Hispanic. I have two Hispanic employees. I know what is happening. I see it every work day. I see the pay stubs and I see the with-holdings. Yeah, this may be a little known secret but, by in large, the illegal aliens are good for the business of America. If they weren't then you can bet the ruling class would be squaking...

I realize I have not followed the thread here but felt it important to make these points.
