The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47540   Message #710639
Posted By: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
13-May-02 - 10:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Illegal Aliens: What do we owe them
Subject: RE: BS: Illegal Aliens: What do we owe them
A few figures on the size of the problem. The United States Immigration Dept. figures extimate 5 million illegal immigrants, resident in the United states, 4 million of these from the western hemisphere. The rate of growth is about 275000 per year. Fifty-four percent are from Mexico. They make up 1.9% of the population. These figures from the 1996 estimates, the last available (still quoted in the 1999 reports). Two million reside in California. Texas, New York, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, and Arizona account for 80%
Some US citizens emmigrate. In the period 1981-1990, 7 million immigrants came, while 1.6 million Americans left.
A recent article in the Houston Chronicle emphasizes the importance of illegals to their economy. Among the benefits: Lower home prices because of the numbers in the construction industry. Lower restaurant and grocery prices because of the illegals in those industries.
Surveys show that over half of the voters favor legalizing undocumented workers who can prove they've been living in the United States, working at a job and paying taxes. (This estimate may not be based on reliable sampling).
A pastor at a Houston Catholic church says "They live in your neighborhood, they work with you, they work building roads and buildings, their kids go to school with ours." Many have been in Houston for more than a decade.
Surveys show that people think the most important criterion for legalization is that immigrants pay regular taxes.
The United States Internal Revenue Service says it has issued 4.5 million taxpayer identification numbers (2002 figures). The program started six years ago to prevent illegal immigrants from using stolen social security numbers to apply for work. These numbers work as identification. A taxman with the IRS says "Under the privacy act we are not allowed to divulge any type of information to anybody. Not to another agency, not to you, not to anybody." This report put together by Jason Whitely, KHOU, Houston, April 5, 2002.
The AFL-CIO is calling for amnesty. Many businesses back this call because of the current shortage of workers.
To go back to Troll's initial question, what is our obligation? Clearly, the problem is a very complex one, particularly in the light of the IRS semi-legalization of these workers by providing them with identification by which they can enter the labor force where they are badly needed.