The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47646   Message #711364
Posted By: Haruo
16-May-02 - 01:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ridiculous Warnings and Announcements
Subject: Ridiculous Warnings and Announcements
This is sort of like the Funny Road Signs thread. However, what triggered this one was a sign (not a road sign) I saw today about three blocks from Seattle's Space Needle, which said (give or take a word or two)



(I have seen a very similar sign before, in downtown Seattle.) Seems like a big waste of signage; after all, illegal activities are by definition prohibited, and not only on properties so signed. As my roommate said, "Maybe they think it will deter illegal activities on the part of people who believe illegal activities are prohibited only if they see it in writing."

It reminded me of another sign, which I may have mentioned here some months back, on the Key Bank branch at 45th & Brooklyn that warned "WARNING: YOU ARE BEING VIDEOTAPED FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION!" (Note: this was pre-9/11! I think that's just about on a par with the Microsoft message that says "WARNING: You are about to send a message over a secure Internet connection. What you send cannot be seen by anyone else.  Never show me this message again." I mean, come on; not that I believe them, but if it is true, then why do they waste their bytes and my time "warning" me about it? Sheesh, as Xena might say.

I'm wondering if anyone has made musical use of any of these kinds of notices after the fashion of Mark Cohen's Apple Maggot Quarantine Round (or after any other fashion, for that matter).
