The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47646   Message #711573
Posted By: Peg
16-May-02 - 10:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ridiculous Warnings and Announcements
Subject: RE: BS: Ridiculous Warnings and Announcements
Part of the reason for this has to do with liability; we have become such a litigious society that any company with any money should be watching over both sides of its shoulder to see if anyone is going to sue them because of their own stupidity while using the company's product.

Nut allergies are very serious and so labelling products which may contain nuts is fine in my book.

The hot coffee/hot beverage label is stupid, but then again, so was the woman who scalded herself trying to drink a take-away coffee from McDonalds' WHILE DRIVING. She won millions of dollars from her lawsuit as I recall...I think the defense had to do with how she could not possibly have known that the beverage was hot. Sorry, but if you order any type of coffee except "ICED" coffee it is SUPPOSED to be hot.

I remember working at a small thrift shop in Boston and a man slipped on the icy stairs oputside the shop. There was no salt to be had at any of the shops and I was making a sign saying "CAUTION" but he slipped before I put it up. HOWEVER the entire city was covered in a sheet of ice and warnings were all over the weather reports and people were being encouraged to stay inside unless absolutely necessary. But this guy, though he was not hurt in any way (a bit shaken but he walked away) still made noise about suing. The same owner was also threatened with a lawsuit from her babysitter's father: her baby had an ear infection and the babysitter came down with one and so the father was going to SUE! My boss/the owner was almost in tears, forgetting apparently that: 1) the babysitter took the risk of contracting illness when she agrees to babysit any child, and 2) ear infections aren't spread from person to person!

I often see people pretend to be hit by cars backing out, etc. and of course people who make their money winning lawsuits consciously do this and then fake symptoms. Ridiculous.