The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47621   Message #711825
Posted By: Crane Driver
16-May-02 - 04:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Not depressed, just British
Subject: RE: BS: Not depressed, just British
As someone of Scottish ancestry, born in Wales, brought up in England and now back in Wales, I just can't cope with this micro-nationalism. I know I'm British, but I can't cut it any finer than that. What's it matter? I agree with Harvey - it was all a long time ago, what matters is not where you were born or who your parents were, but what you choose to do with your life.

I'm reminded of a song by (I think) Dougie McLean - The Old Divide-and-Rule. Keep the peasants squabbling over spurious issues like nationalism, it stops us getting together to campaign for social justice. Don't fall for that crap.

One for our Midlands contingent -

What's the difference between Wolverhampton Wanderers and a serial arsonist?

The arsonist would never have thrown away his last nine matches!


Andrew the Congenitally Depressed.