The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10101   Message #71225
Posted By: katlaughing
15-Apr-99 - 11:48 PM
Thread Name: Is anyone else as scared as I am?
Subject: RE: Is anyone else as scared as I am?
Gargoyle, dearest, BSeed is not the only one who is relieving angst! I, for one, am glad he started this thread! Now, I will warn you, that you will probably NOT want to go any further in this posting, because I doubt that you will approve.*smile* I was writing it while you were posting. Anyway, here goes:

Shambles: thank you for the posting of the song. It is so true and very eloquent.

Anguished in Scotland: your heart is in the right place, gawd love ya'.


I believe in the power of positive thinking, from personal experience. I believe that humankind's consciousness can have a profound effect on our world and its environment. To that end, I have been listening to the BBC on NPR and other programs on there to obtain news about this war. I very rarely watch images on tv, as I do not want my mind to perpetuate those images through constant viewing. Yes, I do think we each can have a responsibility to one another to keep as positive of an image in our minds as possible.

When a negative thought comes to mind, I usually tell it no thanks and replace with one of a better nature. I just read an article about how surgery patients are now being taught this type of visualization to facilitate their healing, allay their fears, and ensure that they expect to make a full recovery. They are told to imagine themselves doing their favourite activity after surgery, thus setting up that expectation of wellness.

In this and other threads, we have all proven we are intelligent, well-educated, and very caring, sensitive people. While it is good and neccesary to air our feelings and rant and rave, it is equally important and can be of more benefit, if we then fill our minds with a peaceful end to this conflict. Many of us doing this on a consistent basis can have an effect. Its like the old arrow trick in the old Westerns. One arrow can be broken easily, many arrows in a bundle are much harder, if not impossible to break. With all of the negative and fearful emotions let loose on the world through this war, we can be of service to others and ourselves by practising this peaceful and creative visualization, even if for just a few moments, once per day. It will have an effect.

By our connection with music, we do have a sense of higher consciousness which carries with it a responsibility in how we effect others, through performing, music therapy, our words and thoughts.

Okay, now we can go back to being "MudderPhoakers" (which is placed in the threads for the first time that I know of, for our newcomer, TonyB., who wondered if it was alright to call us "Mudder".)

Thanks for listening.

katlaughing, thinking about divinity school:-)