The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47789   Message #714411
Posted By: IanC
21-May-02 - 06:13 AM
Thread Name: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
Subject: Alphabet Quiz - Songs and Tunes
Here's a whole alphabet of (mainly traditional) songs and tunes (though I had to cheat a bit on X).

A - Douglas's mistress, so they say, but Lady John was far more responsible.
B - Willie Lawrie's retreat should have been called Haig's Downfall.
C - Galashiels hawker's products ... the advertising always lasts longer.
D - Mr Miller thinks Salford's a filthy place.
E - Feeding pigs is not for her, now that she's so friendly with Lord Lambton's heirs.
F - Swift said he could drink, but Turlough usually used Mrs Trench's maiden name.
G - Amidst the northern ice; the captain grieves.
H - She's changed her name from Loving Hannah, and now her hair is black as a raven.
I - Half the village is aroused and chasing her, but all drink her health at the end.
J - You don't meet him every day, but he's buying the drinks now.
K - Instructions to George for a good night's sleep.
L - He was 7 years apprentice but then he changed his trade; now it's his delight.
M - James Yorkston's ghostly purveyor of molluscs.
N - Not usually recommended for night visiting, but our hero keeps them on at all times.
O - Another female seller of molluscs, but this time in 6/8.
P - Robert's description of the Scottish Parliament.
Q - Though they operated, the flower of England is blooming no more.
R - Saved from an untimely fate by the captain's daughter who, no doubt, gave him too much.
S - Cyril's song of lost love leaves no requirement for an American car.
T - He's mad about his Bethlehem home.
U - She was never afraid of goons and ginks (nor even of deputy sheriffs).
V - Tasmania's a second home for young men who would be horses.
W - Rhetorical question Martin asked his servant.
X - Latin Menagerie for the festive season (78 items in all).
Y - He had a handsome face, and all around his hat he wore a band of lace.
Z - If you have any spare cash, a jaunt in Phoenix Park is recommended.

Answers, as usual, on the forum. I suspect this may turn out to be easier than some of the previous quizzes, but collaboration strongly encouraged and comments about songs, tunes, performers (or anything else) welcomed.

Good luck.