The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47640   Message #715006
Posted By: Midchuck
21-May-02 - 08:52 PM
Thread Name: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
On the Flatpick-L list, where I spend my time when I'm not here (Real world? Hasn't it gone away yet?), we've done an annual collection of members' output ("Plectrology") for several years. The first one was two cassettes; the most recent, no. VI, was 6 CDs, in three double jewel cases. AFIK, they've always broken even on production and manufacturing costs, not counting the labor contributed by the members who put them together. Of course, the musical tastes of the membership over there are more uniform, so a large proportion of the members buy at least one set. Some buy more than one, and give them as gifts to friends who really never wanted to hear that much guitar music.
