The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47755   Message #715052
Posted By: Blues=Life
21-May-02 - 11:36 PM
Thread Name: Ethics for Performers
Subject: RE: Ethics for Performers
J.S. Mill wrote in "On Liberty" that we are free to do whatever we like as long as we do not harm others. Why do I hate Political Correctness? Well, it's kind of a long list, but one reason is the transformation of the Principle of Liberty to "we are free to do whatever we like as long as we don't hurt anyone's feelings." I don't know how to do that, as merely walking down the street is often cause for offense. The older I get, the more likely I am, when told I shouldn't do or say something, is to tell the idiot to go to hell. If someone might be offended by what I say, I'm not going to feel "obligated to make sure the songs meet contemporary standards", because I may not agree with what those standards are. Before begining the flaming, please note that in stating this, I fully realize that I have to live with the consequences of my actions, including the anger and outrage that "not correct" behavior illicits. And I'm not advocating racism, sexism, etc, etc. I'm saying that discussion and even argumentation over an issue is vastly preferred to silent "correctness", with other feelings lurking underneath. I'd rather deal with an issue head on, and use logic and reason, debate and discussion to deal with it, than to have someone's real opinions stuff-sacked and allowed to fester. PC behavior would rather beat any opposing viewpoint out of sight. Do you really think "Shhhh, that's not right!" is going to change someone's mind?