The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47857   Message #716233
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
23-May-02 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! - Part 81 (We're Back!!)
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! - Part 81 (We're Back!!)
Land of the Midnight Fun

The thieves parked their truck at the pawn shop and went in to talk to Big Sam
Who said "man this stuff is way too hot...what kinda merchant do you think that I am?
Now this pink-gartered number's a knock-out, never saw such a sight in my life
And though I can't buy the rest of your stock out, I'll take this as a gift for my wife."

CHO: There were thongs and garters and panties
And silk stockings in dozens of tints
Crotchless and lacy to drive a man crazy
But damn near useless to fence, to fence
They were damn near useless to fence

After visiting numerous hock shops, and just selling one item at a time
The crooks began to reconsider their chosen careers in crime
Until they met with one Robert McGinnis, a bush pilot who would (for some bribes)
Carry a consignment of contraband panties up North to the Inuit Tribes

And far from the madding crowds, and the reach of Scotland Yard's might
Eskimo Men bought their wives lingerie, for comfort on long Arctic nights
And after two years of McGinnis's flights, there was never a glimmer of trouble
And under the glow of the bright Northern Lights, the Tribes' population had doubled.
