The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47415   Message #716516
Posted By: JenEllen
23-May-02 - 09:07 PM
Thread Name: Pacific Northwest 'Catter Gathers 2002
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest 'Catter Gathers 2002
Sooz, you can show this to Hardi. It seemed to work for Aine's DH.....I'm not sure what the Nor'eastern equivalent is, but the Texan phrase was "melted him like a chocolate chip on a hot Dallas sidewalk".

Folk Hubbies There comes a time in every wenches life when she feels the need to run away. She doesn't really need to run away, she needs to run amuck!! That's right, enter CAMP RUNAMUCK, that glorious half-way house and day spa for folkie babes on the edge.

CAMP RUNAMUCK is located on the beautiful shores of Indian Lake, in a sleepy little town nestled in the foothills of the Washington Cascades, but that is where the snooze-fest ends, dearest husband-type guys.

CAMP RUNAMUCK offers the most mediocre environment necessary to recharge a folk babe's batteries. The lodgings are passable, the food is tolerable, and with the recent EPA clearance, the lake is finally open for toe-dipping.

CAMP RUNAMUCK's weekend sessions begin the 13th of July, 2002, with a rousing weekend where: "Red-heads Stay for a Song"-- all fees and registration are waived for the female firebrands. Carrot-tops, strawberries, and auburn wild-wimmen, run for free at CAMP RUNAMUCK

Does your folk babe NEED to lose 40 pounds in 8 weeks, sing like EmmyLou and play like JustaPicker to attend? Not just 'No' we say at CAMP RUNAMUCK: "HAIL NO!" Your folk babe will be treated to various activities and group relations that will allow her by sheer osmosis to absorb the minimal talents of those around her. Daily doses of Vitamin 'F', found only in large gatherings of similarly afflicted folk babes, will be in great supply, and your folk babe will return to you rejuvenated. In some cases, the sheer lack of sleep has led our clients to believe that they've actually had a nice time!

Why run away when you can RUNAMUCK