The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47911   Message #716686
Posted By: Big Mick
24-May-02 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: Memorial Day Observance
Subject: RE: Not BS: Memorial Day Observance
The young people ask, what are they marching for?
And I ask myself the same question..........

This "holiday" always makes me sad. I think of my comrades in arms, I look at the happy faced kids...........and I struggle with it all. I always tried to teach my own what the day really means, but it is a futile gesture, in the end. That is why I always go to the local memorial on the actual day of the holiday, not the one that they made so the merchants could have a three day weekend. Talk about cheapening the sacrifice. I love my country, but I hate the way we devalue the sacrifice made by the "great fallen". But what's new? We also devalue the children of the world by encouraging the sweatshops so we can have cheaper prices at Walmart. We think it is perfectly fine that more and more workers are injured and killed so long as the cost to business isn't too high. We say that government shouldn't be intruding on the rights of manufacturers even though they are destroying the world environment. It seems to this old and tired crusader that our values are a matter of convenience.

And one more thing. This is Memorial Day, not Veterans Day. It is a time to think about and honor those who sacrificed their lives in service to our nation. If you want to thank a Vet for their service, that's fine. Just make sure you understand that that isn't what this day is about. This is the day that the Vet's are thinking about their fallen brothers and sisters in arms. I came home, they didn't. I got to raise a family, pursue a career, play music. They didn't. I have seen the birth of my grandchild. Kelly, Robin, Rollie, Gordon and countless others didn't. I appreciate your thanks, but save them for another day and spend this one honoring those that fell.

