The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47911   Message #717171
Posted By: Banjer
25-May-02 - 03:09 AM
Thread Name: Memorial Day Observance
Subject: RE: Not BS: Memorial Day Observance
This is a holiday whose meaning has largely been lost among the commercialization of it. Like Big Mick it angers me that a day set aside to commemorate our fallen should have been moved from its original date just to accomodate the pleasures of the living! Like him I usually stop by a local cemetery on the 30th of May and pause to reflect at the gravesites of those that made the ultimate sacrifice.

It is important also to pass on to the younger generation the true meaning of Memorial Day. Take a minute to explain to the grandkids or the kid next door that this is not just a day to go to the beach or to go hang at the mall. Take them to a local Memorial Day observance, for it is through them that our traditions will be carried on.

LEJ, that is an interesting story and there are probably thousands more like it in our past. What is the source of this one? Are there more where this came from?