The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43566   Message #718527
Posted By: Art Thieme
27-May-02 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Songs of Haywire Mack / Harry McClintock
Subject: RE: Haywire Mac Songs

I thought Utah did a wonderful job with that old interview I did with Paul Durst. He made a great radio show from the snipets I could save from my original deterriorated reel-to-reel tapes. I've talked about Paul quite a lot in this forum. He was a big part of the romance I had with land and travelling and soaking up things folk. I was 20 years old when I taped his tales on December 8, 1961 in the back room of Pete Leibundguth's old music shop on 57th Street in Chicago. I had no idea what to ask him then-----but I knew he had an important story to tell. Flatboating on the Mississippi from St.Paul to New Orleans before there were any locks & dams on the upper river. Shipping out with Joe Hill on a steamer to Hawaii------Being part of the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show-----Being at the Ludlow Massacre----being asleep under the boardwalk when the bomb went off at the Haymarket Riot in Chicago. He remembered the Wobblys breaking away from the Socialist Labor Party way back in 1905 !! Said he'd told 'em not to do it. "To fight with two arms is better than to fight with one arm."---------Whew, I'm truly glad those old tapes are making the rounds here at this late date. Paul was born in 1868. When I knew him he was 93.

Sorry for the thread creep folks---but Abby, I'm glad you heard that show and were some moved by those old tapes.---------Gettin' back to Haywire Mac, I did his version of "Jerry Go And Oil That Car" on my 1998 CD.

Art Thieme