The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10380   Message #71907
Posted By: katlaughing
19-Apr-99 - 12:44 AM
Thread Name: Is anyone as scared? Part 2 (KOSOVO)
Subject: RE: Is anyone as scared? Part 2 (KOSOVO)
I think they should put us all on the news shows; this is such an incredible group of people, it seems, as I said in another thread, a microcosm of what the world could be, with a sincere sharing of emotions, ideas, questions, fears, hopes, and actions.

Allison, thank you for reminding us to visualize and ask for Peace; it is the only way I can feel useful in the face of this tragedy. The only way to keep my emotions and empathy from running rampant through my sensitive heart is to read these threads and KNOW there are so many good people in the world, like us, who feel the same, hear the same clarion call to make things better, who are so sincere in those desires, yet are not afraid to share their vulnerability in such a wonderful community as the Mudcat. How extraordinary, esp. since the majority are men, who have been much repressed in the patriarchal Picean Age, regarding the expression of their emotions. But then, of course, the Music is what unites us, so it really is not surprising that most all of the Mudcateers are so willing to bare their souls.

DocJohn, glad you joined us, but lurking is okay, too!

I agree with Pete M. in every way. I do feel Clinton is sincere in his convictions about this. As to his resolve, he has such an almost pathological need to please everyone that he may just find a way to explain the body bags and still keep up the aggression, either that or he will fold. Since he doesn't have much to lose (what else can they do to him?!) I don't know if he will cave in, except for how that would harm Al Gore's chances or that of any other Demo.

It might sound a little cold, but in the Big Picture, humankind is such a tiny blip on the screen of this planet's life; I know the planet will go on without us, juts as it continued wihtout the dinos, etc. BUT, the other part of me, full of compassion and conviction, says that as long as we are here, we have an obligation to strive for an equitable way of life for all her inhabitants, two-legged, winged, four-legged, gilled, and otherwise. To that end, I give thanks daily that like a blanket of silent and pristine snow (without the physical cold!), Peace reigns in the regions of conflict and elsewhere throughout our planet.

My biggest question, which usually comes up whenever any conflict arises: Why, oh why, does it always come down to religion? Jesus the Christ, Buddha, Allah, the Great Spirit, whatever....none of them preached the hatred and killing which has been perpetrated in their names for so long. The Picean Age was patriarchal. The Aquarian Age, which as you all know started in the sixties,is supposed to be about mutual cooperation, a balancing between all peoples, both genders, to bring about a more reasonable and enlightened existence. So, maybe we are watching the old age going out kicking and screaming; its death throes,if you will. Will humankind ever learn to live and let live, rather than ala James Bond, "Live & Let Die"?
