The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48038   Message #719109
Posted By: Bobert
28-May-02 - 08:03 PM
Thread Name: Anti-Conscription Movement
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-Conscription Movement
Guest: Don't be too concerned about posting a non-music thread. That's why there is a BS category to begin with. Some folks get real offended by it but, hey, they are reading them, aren't they.

I agree that conscription just adds to an allready insane cycle of human behavior and have been known, on occasion, to get a tad worked up on the issue. It surprises me not that Albert Einstien was one of the original signers since he spent his life dwelling on possibilities rather than improbabilities. Peace is possible only after mankind sheds the misconception that it is improbable. With an ever shrinking planet, limited resources and a global economy, peace is a concept that this generation should be teaching rather than taking a pass on the challenge. How selfish. Seems all we (not me...) learned from the 60's is that it's better to be on the winning side than the moral side...

End of Bobert's mini-rant... but offered with respect and in the memory of those who have given their lives in what they felt was right. We can not change those failed decisions and events.

